During this difficult time, please know that our office remains open but has taken steps to keep our workplace safe and to continue to represent our clients with diligence. We are offering tele-meetings and you may reach us by phone and email. Currently, the local Social Security Administration offices are closed and in-person hearings are not going forward at this time. However, the Administration is working to continue hearings by phone. Please contact our office if you have any questions about your upcoming hearing.
If your claim is not pending at the hearing level, please be assured that the Administration is doing the best they can during the current time. They are trying to increase work-from-home and to continue to process claims. If you are currently receiving benefits, there should be no disruption. Please check the SSA website for further information.
The State Board of Workers’ Compensation has also closed for hearings and mediations through April 13, 2020. However, pending motions, conference calls, and other matters which can be handled remotely will go forward. Mediations may still be handled by phone. You should have no interruption in your weekly checks. Please click HERE for updates from the Board.
We will continue to monitor the situation and keep you updated. If you have any questions or our office can provide any assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us.